Getting started on your new website is often easier than you think! The total process is a 9 step procedure. However, only four of those steps are yours.


Website Development Steps:

  • Collect together your existing promotional material such as a company brochure and flyers. This can be picked up if local or handled in shared drive scenerio with photos of the materials upload to the drive. 
  • Get a copy digital image of your company logo. 
  • Complete "Website Planning Worksheet.pdf" The worksheets was designed to help understand what your needs and wants are, while ensuring we are communicating clearly the vision.  (We can go over this worksheet together or you may fill it out on your own)
  • Inform Fuel Ur Biz that you are ready for the site to be built. At which point we will again review the worksheet and go over the "Website Design Contract.pdf" at which time the initial payment of 50% will be paid. (This payment can be made in person or through paypal, Venmo or CashApp)
  • You will be contacts to review the webpage template for approval.
  • Once approved, Fuel Ur Biz plugs in the additional information, fine tunes the page navigation and forms.

  • You will again be contacted to review the final draft.
  • Once approved, the final upload will accure, and your website will then be registered in the search engines, at which time the final payment is due. (This payment can be made in person or through paypal, Venmo or CashApp)


How much time does this take to develop a website?

Realistically, the more content you want for the website, the longer it will take; but even for the most complex of sites, I would plan on having your site up and running within weeks rather than months - the quicker you provide the copy, the quicker the site gets put together.


Digital Marketing & Social Media 

  • Collect together your existing promotional material such as a company brochure and flyers. This can be picked up if local or handled in a shared drive scenario with photos of the materials uploaded to the drive. 
  • Get a copy of the digital image of your company logo. 
  • Complete "Social Media Planning Worksheet.pdf" The worksheets were designed to help understand what your needs and wants are, while ensuring we are communicating clearly the vision.  (We can go over this worksheet together or you may fill it out on your own)
  • Inform Fuel Ur Biz that you are ready for the ) to be created At which point we will again review the worksheet and go over the "Digital Marketing  Contract.pdf" at which time the initial payment of 50% will be paid. (This payment can be made in person or through paypal, Venmo or CashApp)
  • You will be contacted to review the advertisement (post, story, reel) for approval.
  • Once approved, Fuel Ur Biz plugs in the additional information, fine tunes the page navigation and forms.
  • You will again be contacted to review the final draft.
  • Once approved, all scheduled post times are agreed upon when the final payment is due. If Meta Business can be used the final payment will be collected once Ad has been scheduled . inside Meta Business. If retainer fee for set for conistant month digital posting monthly payment date will be agreed upon with a 5 day grace period for payment.  



*All other services will follow similar "Getting Started" flow as the Digital Marketing Process. 


* Hourly contract services will be Pre Quoted in Writing Detailing Expections to determine no miss communication with all services listed. Additional services will follow similar "Getting Started" flow as the Digital Marketing Process.


Basic Consult is a conversation where the Client tells the "Company" Fuel Ur Biz it needs and wants. Additional Consults are subject to hourly consult and coaching fees, which will be discussed prior to entering hourly consult fee.